The Heart is a necklace developed in co-operation with Cathrine W. Wichmand from meant as a tribute to all the amazing women we cherish.
When ancient Greeks shaped a heart, they took inspiration from the leaf of a particular tree. They colored it green like the leaf itself and were convinced that it symbolized immortality. Around 1,500 AC, however, the symbol was given the same red color as our hearts and obtained a new meaning. Today, the heart symbolizes love – between couples, family members, and friends.
My co-operation with Cathrine W. Wichmand took its beginning in a joint desire to celebrate friendship: the love, loyalty, acceptance and trust that you share with your dearest friends.

”In our busy everyday lives, I often forget to tell my friends how precious they are to me. With this pendant I can cherish and spoil the women in my life. A reminder we can wear around our necks, close to our hearts”
Cathrine Widunok Wichmand
Our pendant has the shape of a heart, divided into two halves. When you want to show your friend that you truly appreciate and value your friendship, can you think of a better way than sharing this symbol of love?